
  1. Incorporating Machine Identities into an Identity-Centric Strategy

    The importance of machine identities and non-person entities (or non-human identities) in the enterprise is often overlooked. Machine identities govern the confidentiality and integrity of information [flow] between machines. To ensure their unique identities, machines use keys and certificates, similar to people’s use of usernames and passwords (source Venafi). Automation is being used to drive…

  2. Transforming Experience Through Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM)

    Customers are the reason most businesses exist. Whether it’s healthcare, finance, retail, manufacturing, or entertainment, a business cannot succeed without customer interaction. It’s interesting to observe how this dynamic has changed over time. Today it is very clear that the customer is in control of this relationship, and much of the decision to continue the…

  3. Zero Trust Myth Series: Going Beyond the Network

    First impressions die hard. When the concept of Zero Trust was first introduced, the focus was on segmenting, isolating, and controlling network traffic. Today, however, those ideas represent only one fraction of a Zero Trust strategy. On my list of Zero Trust myths, the second fallacy I noted was the idea that Zero Trust focuses solely on…

  4. Controlling Identity with the Endpoint

    The year is 2019 and if you’re like most of us, you’re seemingly gravitating closer and closer to all things ‘aaS’. Software, Identity, Infrastructure, Access Management, Integration – you name it and there’s a similar (if not superior) version of a core business service available in the cloud. While this shift has resulted in an…



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