
  1. Identity Management Day and the Importance of Strong Identity Security

    The scope of identity and access management (IAM) has expanded over the years. In the beginning, IAM concerned only identities that represented humans, but more recently it has grown to encompass not only tools and technologies, but processes through which a digital identity is defined and managed to provide access to digital resources. IAM has…

  2. Can We Prevent Identity-Related Cyberattacks?

    With sophisticated cyber criminals coming up with new attack methods every day, it’s a fair question to ask whether we can really prevent identity-related breaches. As cyberattackers have continued to pummel organizations’ identity systems during the last few years, the calls for stronger identity system defense have become more urgent—and not a moment too soon….

  3. Combining Identity and Security Strategies to Mitigate Risks

  4. Identity Management Day Virtual Conference 2023 Registration Now Open

    Co-hosted by the Identity Defined Security Alliance and the National Cybersecurity Alliance, one-day virtual conference will take place on April 11 DENVER, February 15, 2023 – The Identity Defined Security Alliance (IDSA), a nonprofit that provides vendor-neutral education and resources to help organizations reduce the risk of a breach by combining identity and security strategies,…

  5. Identity Management Day: How to Get Involved

  6. Incorporating Machine Identities into an Identity-Centric Strategy

    The importance of machine identities and non-person entities (or non-human identities) in the enterprise is often overlooked. Machine identities govern the confidentiality and integrity of information [flow] between machines. To ensure their unique identities, machines use keys and certificates, similar to people’s use of usernames and passwords (source Venafi). Automation is being used to drive…

  7. Zero Trust Initiatives For Identity-First Cyber Resiliency

  8. Julie Smith Shares Identity Security Guidance for 2023

  9. Securing Digital Identities in 2023 and Beyond

  10. Helping Organizations Succeed in an Identity-Centric Security World



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