
  1. How Security Teams Are Addressing Risk

    Despite significant spending on IT security solutions and identity and access management technologies, compromised identities still represent a real threat to enterprises.  Why are so many companies still struggling with reducing the risk of a breach from inadvertent misuse by insiders to an external attack targeting a business partner’s servers or users? This report, based…

  2. The Guide to Identity Defined Security

    Being a security leader in today’s dynamic environment is a challenge. They are constantly fending off increasingly sophisticated attacks, usually with limited resources and minimal Board support. The attack surfaces are expanding as organizations support a remote workforce, adopt cloud strategies, and take on digital transformation initiatives. The consequences of a breach are shifting from…

  3. 2021 Trends in Securing Digital Identities

    The results of this year’s research, 2021 Trends in Securing Digital Identities, made it clear that the overnight shift to an online world had a significant impact on how organizations approach the people, process, and technology aspects of securing digital identities. COVID-19 put the spotlight on the importance of securing digital identities and provided the…

  4. Identity Management Day 2021: Why Identity Management Matters

  5. Why Identity Defined Security?

    We live in an increasingly connected world. In addition, the recent shift to remote working has significantly increased the risk of a cyber security attack due to compromised identities, accounts and credentials. The issue of identity, and its inherent connection to security, is more important than ever. We surveyed over 500 identity and security leaders to find…

  6. Security, Privacy and Convenience: Why Can’t We Have It All?

    Earlier this year, the backlash against the IRS over the use of facial recognition technology to authenticate taxpayers signing up for online accounts caused the agency to abruptly change course. This situation is part of a familiar pattern, where privacy concerns regularly butt up against technology and innovation, which are accelerating faster than ever. As…

  7. Why Managing and Securing Digital Identities is a Must

  8. Making the Business Case for Identity Security

    Identity is at the front line of security, in a world where one social engineering attack can bring down an empire, everyone is on guard. As a security leader, identity security should be on the Board’s radar, but how do you get their interest and why look to the IDSA as a resource? There’s two parts…

  9. Identity Management Day: Protecting Identities in the Expanding Threatscape

    The Identity Defined Security Alliance (IDSA) is proud to host the second annual Identity Management Day, in partnership with the National Cybersecurity Alliance (NCA). The NCA is on a mission to empower a more secure interconnected world and the IDSA believes that identity is the critical path to make that vision a reality. Therefore, in 2021 we launched Identity…

  10. Identity Management Champions: Identity Security is Everyone’s Responsibility

    Identity Management Day is about raising awareness of the importance of identity management and securing digital identities, and sharing best practices to help organizations and consumers #beidentitysmart. This year we are proud to recognize almost 200 individuals and organizations who are prioritizing identity management and security as Identity Management Champions. Find out what they have to say…



Let's work together to help everyone become more secure.